All rabbits speak Lapine (Native) and Common Lagomorph (Broken) at no point cost. But they may know other species' languages listed below.
"Common" languages are pidgins that cannot express complex ideas. They are easy to learn, but cannot be learned above a proficiency of Broken. By learning any language at Native proficiency, you automatically learn its related Common language at Broken proficiency.
All rabbits are completely illiterate and cannot read or write any language.
Point costs for all languages, unless otherwise noted:
- Broken: 1 point
- Accented: 2 points
- Native: 3 points
The cost of a language is based on how foreign it is to a rabbit. Speaking to a rodent is easy, but speaking to a dog is hard. Speaking to a spider is very hard.
Available Languages
Common Lagomorph
- Pika
Common Rodent
- Castorine - Beaver, muskrat, porcupine
- Murine - Rat, mouse
- Sciurine - Squirrel, chipmunk
Common Ungulate
- Bovine - Cow, sheep, goat
- Equine - Horse, donkey, mule
- Suine - Pig
Common Insectivore
- Chiroptine - Bat
- Didelphine - Mole, shrew
Common Carnivore (3 points) - All languages in this category cost 2 extra points per level of knowledge
- Canine
- Feline
- Musteline - Weasel, ferret, badger
Common Avian (2 points) - All languages in this category cost 1 extra point per level of knowledge
- Accipitrine - Eagle, hawk, owl, falcon
- Anatine - Duck, goose, and other waterfowl
- Galline - Chicken, turkey, pheasant
- Passerine - Raven, jay, songbird, sparrow
Common Cold-blooded (3 points) - All languages in this category cost 2 extra points per level of knowledge
- Amphibine - Frog, toad, newt
- Piscine - Fish
- Reptiline - Snake, lizard, turtle
Common Arthropod (4 points) - All languages in this category cost 4 extra points per level of knowledge
- Arachnine - Spiders
- Insectine - Beetles, ants, bees, wasps, and other insects